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Return the unconditional love



The Natural Pet Treat Company® was founded in 1999 by Harjit Sidhu, with the vision to provide a sustainable and holistic business approach in every aspect of the company. His love of natural foods led him to the pet food industry, as what goes into our pets is just as important for us as it is to their health and well-being.
From procurement through to production, the final product and our customers, our focus is about providing environmentally friendly consumer and production cycles. We have a people first attitude which means that our ethics and ability to thrive in a world of corporate greed sets us apart.


Return the unconditional love

 “Return the unconditional love™” not only refers to returning the unconditional love received from our furry friends with our products, but also returning the love to our planet, which we do by making sustainable and environmentally conscious consumer choices. Reconnecting humanity with nature is a huge part of what drives our company and employees. We strive to be the change that we want to see in our world, and our company is the vessel in which we contribute to this greater picture. We believe that our philosophy at Zeal® not only contributes this, but produces superior natural pet food that your pets are bound to love!

100%天然/ All Natural:-

  • 無抗生素/ No Antibiotics

  • 無疫苗/ No Vaccines

  • 無著色/ No Colourants

  • 無香料/ No Flavourings

  • 無添加劑/ No Additives

  • 無防腐劑/ No Preservatives

  • 無激素/ No Added Hormones

  • 無類固醇/ No Steroids


西蘭的主要出口產業是農業和乳製品,並擁有成熟的牛肉、鹿肉、家禽和海鮮產業。 在這個擁有豐富牧場的國家,自由放養/草飼牛、羊、鹿是標準做法。 所有這些都在我們的後院,難怪我們可以獲得優質的原料。

New Zealand Made.

New Zealand’s primary export industry is agriculture and dairy, and has a mature beef, venison, poultry, and seafood industry. Pastoral (free range / grass fed) farming of beef, sheep, venison, and subsequently dairy, is standard practice in this country of rich pasture land. With all of this in our backyard, it’s no wonder we have access to source top quality ingredients.


所有由 The Natural Pet Treat Company Limited 生產的產品均有由紐西蘭食物安全局和農業部發出的衛生合格證明書。 只有由食材採購到生產廠房及過程均合乎嚴格衛生要求才 可獲頒品質保證書。

All ZEAL products are certified by New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries to be of New Zealand origin and are processed in approved premises in accordance with New Zealand law; in other words, safety of the food is upheld in
one of the highest standards in the world.

Certificate and letter from Official Authorities: